ITON UPS ( Include AVR)
PSA600-BXUPS Liebert PSA600-BX Capacity 600VA/360WRp. 660.000
PSA850-IDUPS Liebert PSA850-ID Capacity 850VA/510WRp. 1.150.000
PSA1000-BXUPS Liebert PSA1000-BX Capacity 1000VA/600WRp. 1.870.000
PSA Series UPS ( Offline Single Phase ) with Software
PSA650MT3-230UPS Liebert PSA 650VA/390W, 230V + AVR + USB + SoftwareRp. 1.270.000
PSA1000MT3-230UUPS Liebert PSA 1000VA/600W, 230V + AVR + USB + SoftwareRp. 2.485.000
PSA1500MT3-230UUPS Liebert PSA 1500VA/900W, 230V + AVR + USB + SoftwareRp. 3.050.000
PSI Series UPS ( Line Interactive Single Phase ) with Software 2U
PS750RT3-230UPS Liebert PSI 750VA/675W, 230V + USB + Software (R/T) + 2U RackMountRp. 5.830.000
PS1000RT3-230UPS Liebert PSI 1000VA/900W, 230V + USB + Software (R/T) + 2U RackMountRp. 6.740.000
PS1500RT3-230UPS Liebert PSI 1500VA/1350W, 230V + USB + Software (R/T) + 2U RackMountRp. 9.020.000
PS2200RT3-230UPS Liebert PSI 2200VA/1980W, 230V + USB + Software (R/T) + 2U RackMountRp. 13.888.000
PS3000RT3-230UPS Liebert PSI 3000VA/2700W, 230V + USB + Software (R/T) + 2U RackMountRp. 16.620.000
GXT MT UPS ( On-Line Double conversion UPS ) Internal battery, USB serial Software
GXT1000-MTPlusUPS Liebert GMX-MTPlus Online 1000VA/800W, 230V LCDRp. 5.610.000
GXT2000-MTPlusUPS Liebert GMX-MTPlus Online 2000VA/1600W, 230V LCDRp. 10.780.000
GXT3000-MTPlusUPS Liebert GMX-MTPlus Online 3000VA/2400W, 230V LCDRp. 13.420.000
DP801SNMP Manangement Card For GXT-MTPlusRp. 4.565.000
GXT L-MT UPS ( On-Line Double conversion UPS ) Long backup Model,No Battery
GXT1000L-MTPlusUPS Liebert GXT-MT On-Line 1000VA/800W, 230V Tower Long BackupRp. 5.665.000
GXT2000L-MTPlusUPS Liebert GXT-MT On-Line 2000VA/1600W, 230V Tower Long BackupRp. 11.000.000
GXT3000L-MTPlusUPS Liebert GXT-MT On-Line 3000VA/2400W, 230V Tower Long BackupRp. 13.255.000
GXT 3 UPS ( On-line Double Conversion PF0,9 ) with battery internal and able To Extend Run-time
GXT3-1000RT230UPS Liebert GXT3 On-Line Capacity 1000VA/900W, 230 Single Phase, 2URp. 8.525.000
GXT3-1500RT230UPS Liebert GXT3 On-Line Capacity 1500VA/1350W, 230 Single Phase, 2URp. 10.835.000
GXT3-2000RT230UPS Liebert GXT3 On-Line Capacity 2000VA/1800W, 230 Single Phase, 2URp. 14.100.000
GXT3-3000RT230UPS Liebert GXT3 On-Line Capacity 3000VA/2700W, 230 Single Phase, 2URp. 19.470.000
GXT3-48VBATTLiebert Extended Battery Pack GXR3-48VBATTRp. 8.910.000
GXT3-72VBATTLiebert Extended Battery Pack GXT3-72VBATTRp. 12.320.000
GXT3-5000RT230Liebert Smart UPS 5000VA/4000W, 230V Single Phase 5URp. 39.780.000
GXT3-10000RT230Liebert Smart UPS 10000VA/9000W, 230V Single Phase 6URp. 66.520.000
GXT3-240VBATTCELiebert GXT3-240VBATTCE - battery enclosure - lead acidRp. 18.150.000
GXT3-240RTVBATTLiebert GXT3 External Battery GXT3-240RTVBATT 9HARp. 22.330.000
GXT3-240TBATTCELiebert GXT3 External Battery GXT3-240TBATTCE 8,5HARp. 42.130.000
Accessories For GXT2/GXT3
IS-WEBCARDLiebert IntelliSlot WebCardRp. 3.960.000
RMKIT 18-32Liebert Network power RMKIT-18-32 RackSlide GXT2Rp. 1.248.000
ITA 5/6 KVA Series
1201056Liebert ITA 5KVA/4,5KWRp. 20.515.000
1201057Rp. 22.900.000
1200858Rp. 25.300.000
1200859Rp. 27.690.000
ITA 10KVA Series
1200610Rp. 38.035.000
1200679Rp. 40.059.000
1200759Rp. 68.530.000
1200782Rp. 77.550.000
ITA Accessories
2351253External battery cabinet for Liebert ITA, 2URp. 17.600.000
2354061Adjustable rail kit for Liebert ITARp. 1.870.000
2351817SIC card for SNMP/WEB Management for Liebert ITARp. 4.482.000
2351874Dry Contact Card for Liebert ITARp. 1.290.000
2350376MODBUS card for Liebert ITARp. 4.482.000
4118928/L5-10Parallel communication cable kit for Liebert ITA 5/6/10KVARp. 310.000
4118928/L16-20Parallel cable kit for ITA 16/20KVARp. 605.000
Micropod Maintanance By Pass Switch ( For GXT3/PSI )
MP2-210KMicroPod MP2-210K 10ARp. 3.025.000
MP2-220LMicroPod MP2-220L 16ARp. 4.510.000
PD-CEHDWRBYPMicropod PD-CEHDWRBYP 32ARp. 7.250.000
Load Transfer Switch ( LTS )
2352247Load Transfer Switch ( LTS ) 2352247Rp. 9.680.000
2352244Load Transfer Switch ( LTS ) 2352244Rp. 11.220.000
2352190Load Transfer Switch ( LTS ) 2352190Rp. 11.220.000